
June 28, 2010

Hello Everyone!

Are you tired of your old Windows wallpapers, logons and boot screens? Did you know that you can also modify them? Well, this is the place where you can download loads of cool and free wallpapers, login screens and boot screens for Windows 7, XP and Vista.

To download wallpapers, login screens and boot screens, head to the wallpapers, login screens and boot screens pages.

Don’t worry if you can’t find the one you are looking for, just request by commenting bellow and I’ll make it for you!

Steps for Requesting:

1. Write the name of the wallpaper, boot screen or login screen.(Do give it a name so you can search for it later when I publish it)

2. Write the color of the background, or give me a link to a background picture.(example: shiny black, glassy blue or http://www.google.com/images/background)

3. Give me a link to a picture of the logo.

4. Write the text you want to be inserted in the image.

5. When you are done, just post your comment.

Please wait for up-to 1-2 days so I can make a nice image for you. I will try to finish it in 1-2 hours if I am online at that time.